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Action Aid - international development charity
charities & good causes"ActionAid is one of the UK's largest international development charities, helping poor people in over 35 countries in Africa..
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Citibank Banking UK
financial"Citibank is part of Citigroup Inc., todays pre-eminent financial services company, with some 200 million customer accounts i..
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Smugmug, Inc.
photography"Taking thousands of photos is simple, it is the management and sharing aspects that get tricky. Enter SmugMug, the Ultimate ..
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Zoo Plus - pet food, products supplies & accessories
pets"ZooPlus offers an extensive product range including food & accessories for dogs, cats, fish and other small animals at very ..
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Thorntons - chocolate & gifts
classic gifts"Thorntons is one of the leading chocolate & gifts retailers in the UK, with a heritage that dates back to 1911 and chocolate..
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