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gardening and DIY"With over 1000 different garden items to choose from, Brecks is a top supplier of premium bulbs, flowers, and perennials."
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Tree Givers
unusual gifts"TreeGivers plants trees as part of the reforestation efforts in all 50 states, to honor special individuals... on special oc..
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1-800-FLORALS - floral, plant, and gift basket products
classic gifts"We offer hundreds of beautiful floral, plant, and gift basket products that are sure to please, with same-day and next-day p..
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Gurney's Seed and Nursery Co.
gardening and DIY"Gurneys seed and nursery is one of the largest horticultural catalog companies in the country. With over 2000 different item..
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Henry Fields Seed and Nursery Co.
gardening and DIY"Mailing over 40 million catalogs, Henry Fields is a well known leader in the seed and nursery business.
We have a full array..
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