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Computer Videomaker Magazine
entertainment"Videomaker is an industry-leading, monthly publication that covers the use of camcorders, digital video editing, and desktop..
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Greenfield Online
entertainment"Greenfield Online is the premiere online web survey company on the Internet. We invite our members to take surveys relating ..
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Survey Networks - win cash & prizes for answering surveys
entertainment"Survey Networks takes the end user through a short survey, which when completed, enters them into a drawing for any number o..
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ECN Research - win prizes for taking surveys
entertainment"ECN Research is an interactive survey where users are rewarded for their opinion; incentives for users vary from a $500 shop..
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Legal Sea Foods Gourmet Gift Division
food and drink"One of the country's #1 seafood restaurants.
Legal Sea Foods is proud to stay at the #1 spot in Boston's Zagat Survey for 20..
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